Amazon Cyber Security Scholarship

The Information Security branch of the Amazon company has a team that spans of ten countries worldwide, and their focus areas include: security intelligence, application security, incident response, security operations, risk and compliance, acquisitions and subsidiaries, and external partner security. Their mission includes instilling awareness to safeguard all customer and employee data, applications, services and assets. Their mission is accomplished by uniting with other Amazon organizations to build security best practices into enterprise-wide systems.

In December of 2021, the AMAZON Cyber Security Support Fund and the Amazon Cyber Security Scholarship Fund were stablished.


The purpose of this fund is to support diversity among undergraduates in Cyber Security in the Bagley College of Engineering’s Department of Computer Science & Engineering. The funding will be used by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering for the following purposes:

  • Offering department-level scholarships designed to help students that have gaps in funding which would prohibit continuation of their education.

Other considerations and criteria for the Amazon Cyber Security Scholarship are outlined below:

  1. Student must be a female or minority.
  2. Student must be majoring in cyber security or computer science.

The scholarship will be awarded on a year-to-year basis.  Students who are recipients one year are eligible for consideration in any other year; however, they must again comply with the selection criteria.

  • Amazon funds may also be available to be used as follows:
    • Cyber Security training to give students hands on and practical experience in cybersecurity prior to graduation.
    • Conference attendance to expose practitioners in the field, current industry trends and in-conference trainings which would include the following:
      • Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit (Sans Sponsored)
      • Women in Cyber Security (WiCyS Sponsored)
      • Grace Hopper Conference
    • Sponsoring minority student societies focused on advancement in STEM which would include the following local chapters:
      • ACM-Women
      • Girls Who Code
      • National Society of Black Engineers

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